

大学生传媒中心 东华理工大学 2022-07-15








Section A: 1-7

1. D A wandering cow was captured by the police

2. D It was sent to the animal control department

3. B It is going to be expanded

4. C Some ancient wall paintings from Australia

5. A Pick up trash

6. A They are especially intelligent

7. B Children may be tempted to drop litter

Section B: 8-15

8. C It will cover different areas of science

9. It will be more entertaining

10. A People interested in science

11. B Provide financial support

12. D Dissatisfied

13. A He is too concerned with being perfect

14. C Miserable

15. B Compare his present with past only

Section C: 16-25

16. C They are more likely to become engineers

17. D Respond more positively to boys’ comments

18. A Offer personalized teaching materials

19. C It does not rain as much as people think

20. The rain is usually very light

21. D It has mild weather both in summer and in winter

22. D It comes from straining one's muscles in an uncommon way

23. A Blood flow and body heat increase in the affected area

24. B About two days

25. C Have a hot shower


Section A: 1-7

1. D The number of male nurses has gone down

2. A Cultural bias

3. C He was almost drowned

4. B The emergency services are efficient

5. A It became an online star

6. B Release it into the wild

7. D The raccoon did something no politician could

Section B: 8-15

8. C She received her first monthly salary

9. Two decades ago

10. D He treated his parents to a nice meal

11. C Join her colleagues for gym exercise

12. He  has a difficult decision to make

13. Seek advice from his family and advisor

14. D His girlfriend does not support his decision

15. C They haven’t started their careers yet

Section C: 16-25

16. B Using information to understand and solve problems

17. C Playing games that challenge one’s mind

18. D Participate in debates or discussions

19. A The nature of relationships between dogs

20. C They can fall in love just like humans

21. D They stay with one partner for life

22. A A cow bone

23. B Preserving it

24. B The boy's family had acted correctly

25. C Conduct a more detailed search



26:B admiring


28:I natural

29:C contains

30:K released

31:L revealing

32:O substance

33:G liquid


35:J potential


26:B conclusion

27:L spread

28:K slim

29:A accurate

30:O vulnerable

31:C directly

32:E  evaluate

33:G flights


35:H largely



27:A adjusted


29:C equivalent

30:G individuals

31:H originally

32:K reduce

33:N thrive

34:E filters

35:F frequently



36:E USPS has sophisticated emergency plans for natural disasters37:I Mail companies are logistics (物流) companies38:C  As global surface temperatures increase, so does the likelihood39:G Every day, USPS processes, on average,493.4 million pieces.40:K Rebuilding can take a long time, and even then41:F As soon as it' s safe enough to be outside,42:B Even the united states postal service(USPS) suspended mail43:Private courier companies, which have more dollars to spend44:Days after the deadly 2017 wildfires in santa rosa,45:H It can be hard to identify which parcels are carrying crucial items


36:The city is no empty37: Park Yeon See, the man who first imagined Songdo,38:D Chances are you' ve actually seen this place.39:G What' s happened is that our focus on creating that quality of life40:“The18 th century really was a waterborne century,41:E The city was supposed to be a hub for global companies,42:H But this is not star trek43:A Getting around a city is one thing- and then there' s the matter of44:J Songdo’ s backers contend that it' s still early,45:C Songdo is a stone' s throw from south korea' s Incheon Airport

36:E If breakfast alone isn t a guarantee of weight loss37:What's more important, some argue, is what we eat for breakfast38:B The body uses a lot of energy stores for growth and repair39:Researchers from the University of Surrey and University of Aberdeen40:D But as with any study of this kind, it was unclear if41:J  But some research suggests if we're going to eat sugary foods42:A Along with old classics like“ carrots give you night vision”43:A 2016 review of 10 studies looking into the relationship44:C What' s the reality?45:H Breakfast is also associated with improved brain function



46: B It is a course designed for students to learn online47: C Students' questions were unsatisfied weith the assistant48: A She turned out to be a great success49: D They could not tell her from a real person50: C Assign her to answer more of students questions
51: C Not all of them achieved their anticipated goals52: To identify reasons for their different outcomes53: B Its interaction with prospective donors54: They should be small to be successfu55: DTheir feeling of connection to the scientists themselves


46: B It may encourage other Us cities to follow suit47: C Take legal action against it48: D It criticized the measure through advertising49: B Help people to fix certain long-time health issues50: A They are becoming rather sensitive issues
51: D The use of microwaves emits more CO2 than people think52: They are becoming more affordable53: Improving microwave users' habits54: A There are far more emissions from cars than from microwaves55: C It plays a positives role in environmental protection


46: C They cant connect professors and students as textbooks do47: Falling sales48: A Reform its structures49:C Answer questions using their personal experience50: They can learn in an interactive way51-55:新型物种
51: D It gets energy from both food and sunlight52: A The genes it captures from the sea plant algae53: D They can produce chlorophyll on their own54: C They dont usually function inside animal cells55: B They can survive for months without eating




Chinese families attach great importance to their children's education. Many parents believe that they should work hard to ensure that their children have access to a good education. Not only are they willing to invest in their children's education, but they also spend a lot of time pushing them to learn. Most parents want their children to go to famous universities. Thanks to the reform and opening up, more and more parents can send their children to study abroad or take part in international exchange programs to broaden their horizons. Through these efforts, they expect their children to grow up healthily and contribute to the development and prosperity of the country.翻译2范文


The full name of China's Han ethnic group(people) is composed of family name(surname) and given name. One characteristic of the Chinese name is that the family name is always put before the given name. For thousands of years, the paternal surname(the father's family name)has been passed down through generations. However, it is not uncommon now for a child to have the maternal surname(the mother's family name). Generally speaking, a given name contains one or two Chinese characters, which carries the parents' hope for the kid. Therefore, it's easy to infer from the name what kind of person the parents expect their child to be, or what kind of life to lead. Parents attach great importance to naming their kid as it will be his or her lifelong company.


The concept of family in China is related to its cultural traditions, and the large and harmonious families were once very enviable. The four-generation families used to be very common, in the past. As a result of this tradition, many young people continue to live with their parents after marriage. Today, that tradition is changing. With the improvement of housing conditions, an increasing number of young couples choose to live apart from their parents. But the connection between them remains strong, and many old people still help to look after their grandchildren. Young couples also get around to visit their parents, especially during important holidays such as the Spring Festival and Mid- Autumn festival.

作文1范文第一篇: universityDear Alex,On hearing that you are planning to study in China, I decide to write you a letter to recommend a university to you. My recommendation is Hunan University, which is one of the most outstanding universities in China.The reasons why I recommend this university can be listed as follows. First of all, Changsha, where Hunan University is located, is such a fantastic city that it owns many amazing museums in which you can explore the mystery and prosperity of ancient China. Furthermore, you can eat a lot of famous traditional Chinese food and snacks, which Changsha is famous for. Most important of all, Hunan University has a high reputation for its academic contributions to the world and the campus is just beautiful.I truly hope that you can come to Hunan University to start your college life and I'm looking forward to your arrival. If you have any questions about the university or the city I mentioned above, please feel free to contact me for further information.Yours sincerely,L i Ming
作文2 范文第二篇: city to learn ChineseDear Alex,On hearing that you are planning to study Chinese, I decide to write you a letter to recommend a city to you. My recommendation is Changsha, which is one of the most modernized and civilized cities in China.The reasons why I recommend this city can be listed as follows. First of all, Changsha, where many amazing museums are located, is such a fantastic city that you can improve your Chinese while experiencing the prosperity of Chinese traditional culture. Furthermore, most of the people in Changsha are talkative. So, you may have a lot of opportunities to exercise your oral Chinese with local native speakers. Most important of all, Hunan Normal University, which lies in the western part of Changsha, has a high reputation for its Chinese language and literature eduction. Thus, it's very convenient for you to go there to attend some Chinese lessons or lectures if the time is right.I truly hope that you can come to Changsha to study your Chinese and I'm looking forward to your arrival. If you have any questions about your future life in China, please feel free to contact me for further information.Yours sincerely,Li Ming




The Importance of Having a Sense of Social Responsibility

As we all know, responsibility is one of the most basic qualities. If we give up the responsibility, we are equal to give up the whole world. As far as I am concerned, we should have a high sense of responsibility to become an upright person.

How can we cultivate social responsibility? To start with, children should be taught about good moral outlooks, so that when they grow up, they will become law-abiding and responsible citizens. Furthermore, the humanistic education is vital, especially for us university students because we are the future pillars of our country. Last but not least, it is necessary to encourage people to care for others, help others through all kinds of propaganda, because each individual is closely related to and bears obligations to others.

If all the citizens have a sound sense of social responsibility, it is hopeful that the world will enjoy a better future. Therefore, let's take our social responsibility and contribute to our society.


The Importance of Having a Sense of Family Responsibility

Home is a warm harbor for every family member. It brings us warmth, and gives us strength over the long course of our lives. While enjoying the benefits of the family, everyone should have a sense of family responsibility and contribute to the happiness of the family life.

To begin with, as a member of the family, everyone is obliged to take on family responsibilities. Secondly, by taking family responsibilities, the relationship between family members can be strengthened, thus a harmonious family can be created, which can make each family member feel a sense of belonging. A good growing environment will influence one’s psychological development and ultimately one’s personal development. More than that, each person with a good sense of family responsibility will develop a good sense of social responsibility, which will do good to our society.

To sum up, it is of great importance for everyone to have a sense of family responsibility, not only in that it strengthens family bond, thus do good to one’s personal development, but that it is beneficial to the social development. So, my dear friends, please take an active part in your family responsibilities!


The Importance of Having a Sense of Community Responsibility

We all live in community. Community responsibility is an individual's duty or obligation to the community, which includes cooperation, respect and participation. The concept goes beyond thinking and acting as individuals to common beliefs about shared interests. With the development of society and interpersonal communication, it has gradually become a basic requirement for everyone.

In my opinion, the sense of community responsibility is equally important to the development of community and the growth of individuals. As a college student, the sense of community responsibility means that we should give priority to the interests of the our school and class. If everyone takes on our own responsibilities, we can not only make our school better, but also improve our moral standard. As a citizen, we should pay more attention to the collective interests and exercise our obligations as citizens, such as participating in community voting and promoting environmental protection, etc. If everyone contributes our part, everything around us will become better.

 All in all, all of us should assume our community responsibilities, take the collective interests first and think more about others. Only in this way, will social development be more smooth and the relationship between people become more harmonious. 



Section A: 1-8

1.D Features editor.

2. C Answering daily emails.

3. B It is fascinating.

4. A Her persistence.

5. A It is enjoyable.

6. D It is written, directed, edited and produced by Frankie himself.

7. D Download and watch it.

8. B It has been showing for over a decade.

Section B: 9-15

9. C They need to keep moving to avoid getting hurt.

10. A They do not have many years to live after retirement.

11. A It prevents us from worrying.

12. B It wanders for almost half of their waking time.

13. A To find how happiness relates to daydreaming.

14. C It contributes to their creativity

15. D Daydreamers did better than non-daydreamers in task performance.

Section C: 16-25

16. D They are in worsening condition.

17. They are without foundations.

18. C Timber was abundant in Scandinavia.

19. D Abilities of human babies.

20. A They can distinguish a happy tune from a sad one.

21. B Babies emotions.

22. B It may hinder individual career advancement.

23. C They may find it hard to get their contributions recognized.

24. A They can enlarge their professional circle.

25. B It may prevent making a timely decision.


Section A: 1-8

1. A It focuses exclusively on jazz.

2. B Its market has now shrunk.

3. A Its definition is varied and complicated.

4. C Listen to them yourself.

5. D She went to the bank.

6. B Her credit history was considered poor.  

7. C Start her own business.   

8. C Build up her own finances step by step.  

Section B: 9-15

9. It is small and unconventional.

10. Their wish to set a new farming standard.

11. D It loosens soil while seeding.

12. A It has turned certain insects into a new food source.

13. B It was a pleasant surprise.

14. They contain more protein than conventional meats.

15. It is environmentally friendly.

Section C: 16-25

16.To see if they are inherent traits affecting learning.17. A) It was defective.18. A) Auditory aids are as important as visual aids.

19.Not spending enough time on family life and leisure.

20.A People would be working only fifteen hours a week now.

21.C Deterioration of workers’mental health.

22. C It has become something of a joke among Germans.

23. B The city had just been reunified.

24. D Problems of different kinds kept popping up.

25. Huge maintenance costs accumulate.




When considering risk factors associated with serious chronic diseases开头

26-30  GJEAL   31-35   BOCDN

26. G detrimental

27. J indulging

28. E deficits

29. assessed

30.L rapidly

31. B assigned

32. O similar

33. C consequences

34. D conspicuously

35. N regularly


Increased Screen Time and Wellbeing Decline in Youth













Passage One—The dangerous thing about lying开头

46-50 ADBBB

46. A It shows they have the ability to view complex situations from different angles.

47. D It involves lots of sophisticated mental activity.

48. B When they face too much peer pressure.

49. B When they are under watchful eyes.

50. B They will tell bigger lies.

Passage Two—Here is how....开头

51-55 CADBC

51. A massive natural catastrophe

52. A To prepare people for a major earthquake and tsunami

53. D Enormous stress is released

54. B Reducing casualties in the event of a disaster

55. C Its occurrence is just a matter of time


The persistent开头  


26. K prematurely

27. C determine

28. N synonymous

29. switching

30. generated

31. I particles

32. H opting

33. J peak

34. O trend

35. L simply


How much protein do you really want?












Passage One—Last year开头(态度的重要性)

46-50 CAADB

46. C It determines how we respond to our immediate environment.

47. Their idols’ behaviors.

48. A They may not suggest how a person is going to behave.

49. D They lack willpower.

50. B Starting to act in a way that embodies one’s aspirations.

Passage Two——Industrial fishing for krill开头

51-55  CBADC

51. C It was carried out too close to the habitats of penguins and whales

52. B To establish conservation areas in the Antarctic region.

53. A Opting to operate away from the suggested conservation areas.

54. D Sustain fishing without damaging the Antarctic ecosystem.

55. C A provider of the needed expertise.



The number of开头

26-30  ELHAJ        

31-35  BIDFK

26.E circumstances      

27. L lonely


29. alleviate

30. J excluded



33. D associated


35. K feature


Why More Farmers Are Switching to Grass-Fed Meat and Dairy













Passage One—Schools are not just开头

46-50   BBDCC 

46. Protect students from social pressures and enable them to face the world.

47. B They widen the gap between privileged and disadvantaged students.

48. Activities involving all students on campus.

49. They want their children to participate even though they don’t see much benefit.

50. C Avoiding creating new gaps among students.

Passage Two—Rising temperatures and overfishing开头

51-55 ACDAD

51. A King penguins in the Antarctic will be on the verge of dying out.

52. Industrial fishing and climate change in the Antarctic region in recent years.

53. The majority of them may have to find new breeding grounds in the future.

54. A Manbaby king penguins can’t have food in time.

55. D Only a few of its islands can serve as huge breeding grounds for king penguins.



The peony, with its rich colors and elegant images, symbolizes peace and prosperity and is known as the "king of flowers" in China. Peony is cultivated in many parts of China. For thousands of years, many poems and paintings have been created in praise of peonies. During the Tang Dynasty, peonies were widely planted in the imperial gardens and known as the national flower, so they were very popular. In the 10th century, the ancient city of Luoyang became a center for peony cultivation and remains so today. Now, tens of thousands of tourists from home and abroad flock to Luoyang for the annual peony festival to admire the unique beauty of the city's peonies and explore the history of the ancient capital of nine dynasties.


Plum blossom, which originated in southern China, has been cultivated for more than 3,000 years, and tops the list of China’s Top 10 famous flowers. In the middle of winter, colorful plum blossoms facing the wind and snow proudly bloom. In traditional Chinese culture, plum blossom symbolizes strength, purity and elegance, inspiring people to overcome hardships and forge ahead. Since ancient times, many poets and painters have drawn inspiration from the plum blossom and created countless immortal works. The common people also love plum blossoms, which are often used as home decorations during the Spring Festival. The city of Nanjing has designated the plum blossom as the city flower. Every year, the Plum Blossom Festival is held,when tens of thousands of people brave the bitter cold to walk in the snow and appreciate the plum blossoms on Plum Blossom Mountain.


Lotus is one of the best-known flowers in China which people love deeply.  

Many lakes and ponds in China are suitable for lotus’ growth. Lotus features bright colors, blossoming in the morning and closing in the evening with a long flowering period of two to three months, attracting tourists across the country to appreciate it.   Lotus has a variety of functions, which can not only green waters and beautify courtyards but also purify water, reduce pollution and improve environment. Lotus symbolizes purity and elegance and represents people's noble morals as it does not fear the strong sunshine and keeps clean in the mud. Therefore, the flower has become an important creation theme for poets and painters throughout the Chinese history, and the place where the lotus blooms is also frequented by many photography lovers.









图文编辑/徐景涛 谢宇恒

责任编辑/王欣 刘穗隽


投稿邮箱 / ecut_cmzx@163.com


